
Our team is focused exclusively on retail real estate and we bring our understanding of our markets and the region to work for our partners. We vigorously pursue the interests of our clients and employ our knowledge and experience to delivering victories to our clients .

  1. Acquisitions and Ownership Transition

    Our team has the expertise, experience and market knowledge to work with clients in formulating acquisition criteria, identifying potential acquisition candidates and serving as a local acquisition resource in coordinating a smooth transition in ownership. With our redevelopment, leasing and property management expertise and experience we work together with clients to develop a plan to meet and exceed projected IRR’s

  2. Leasing

    We work with clients to develop a strategic leasing plan for each property. We then work diligently in the market and meet with colleagues in our extensive network of retail tenant relationships to execute the plan. Leasing retail real estate requires a broad skill set and extensive experience. Recognizing and negotiating issues involving construction, maintenance, refurbishment, co-tenancy, exclusives, early terminations and the like require an able and experienced hand.

  3. Property Management

    Our focus is on obtaining the best possible value for clients when contracting with property vendors and contractors. We believe in a relentless process and effort of improving each property within the confines of the resources made available to us. The principals and professionals of the Vireo Group have extensive site work, construction and building systems experience that allows us to stand toe-to-toe with our vendors and contractors and knowledgeably analyze problems and services in order to develop cost effective solutions.

  4. Development

    The principals and professional staff of the Vireo Group have been identifying and developing retail sites for decades. With owner-operator experience in the retail real estate, site work and construction businesses, we are uniquely positioned to work with and deliver great value to our development clients. We have the knowledge and experience to identify the best available sites in a market, negotiate for land control, obtain the necessary permits and entitlements, construct and deliver the project to our clients on time and within budget to ultimately position the asset for sale.

  5. Redevelopment and Adding Value

    Our principals have acquired and redeveloped fourteen million square feet of retail space over the past twenty years. We have demolished, expanded, combined, subdivided and “densified” and have the experience and judgment to recommend a strategy with a high likelihood of success. The matrix of our experience and expertise in acquisitions, redevelopment, property management, leasing and construction makes us a valued redevelopment client partner.

  6. Distressed Asset Services

    Special Servicers, receivers and banks turn to The Vireo Group for leasing, property and crisis management services. The principals of The Vireo Group have acquired over fourteen million square feet of distressed retail properties over the past twenty years from special servicers, banks and bankruptcy trustees. We have extensive experience and expertise in all aspects of foreclosure, bankruptcy and receivership. We understand the challenges of stabilizing a project in crisis from the collection of rent, to poor or no accounting, deferred maintenance, abandoned construction and the general loss of focus on a non-performing asset. We work with our clients in executing a crisis stabilization plan and then transitioning toward the realization of full project value.